Student Code of Conduct Regular Attendance
Students are expected to attend school regularly and to attend all classes.
Students are expected to be on time for school and classes.
Work Habits
Students are expected to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet performance standards, to have the necessary class materials, to complete class work and homework accurately and on time, and to prepare for quizzes, tests and examinations.
Respect for Self and Others
Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy. Behavior of the individual should not interfere with the rights of others. This includes the use of appropriate language, actions and attire. Students are expected not to harass others verbally and physically. Students are expected to come to school free from the influence of tobacco products, alcohol or drugs. Students are expected not to use or possess such substances.
Respect for Authority
Students are expected to comply with all school rules and to obey all laws. Students are expected to respond in a respectful manner to all adults while under the jurisdiction of the school and while participating in school sponsored activities.
Respect for Property
Students are expected to treat all property belonging to the school and to others with care.
Freedom from Fear
Students are expected to contribute to a safe school environment free from fear. Acts of violence, weapons and contraband are never acceptable.
Hawai'i Content and Performance Standards
General Learner Outcomes 2: Work well with Others
Standard: It is expected that Ho’okena Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to: Take care of themselves, Take care of each other and Take care of Ho’okena School Why? So we can get along with other people and become happy, worthwhile, contributing citizens at Ho’okena and eventually in our global society. Receiving a well-rounded and balanced education is an important way to accomplish this aim. To ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn, schools have codes of conduct—expectations of how students are to act at school or school-related events. All students have a right to learn in a safe, secure environment. Students and staff members are jointly responsible for creating and maintaining this positive school atmosphere. It is the responsibility of the student to learn and not to infringe on the rights of other students to learn or of teachers to teach.
Standard: It is expected that Ho’okena Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to: Take care of themselves, Take care of each other and Take care of Ho’okena School Why? So we can get along with other people and become happy, worthwhile, contributing citizens at Ho’okena and eventually in our global society. Receiving a well-rounded and balanced education is an important way to accomplish this aim. To ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn, schools have codes of conduct—expectations of how students are to act at school or school-related events. All students have a right to learn in a safe, secure environment. Students and staff members are jointly responsible for creating and maintaining this positive school atmosphere. It is the responsibility of the student to learn and not to infringe on the rights of other students to learn or of teachers to teach.
Students are accountable for knowing and obeying all the rules outlined in this planner, in Ho’okena’s Discipline Code, and in Chapter 19.
General School Rules
Our rules emphasize safety, respect, and responsibility.
No dangerous toys or weapons. The Federal Gun Free Schools Act of 1994 and Hawaii’s Act 148 state that any student in possession of a firearm shall be executed from school for a calendar year.
Once in campus, remain on campus until dismissal. Students leaving campus during school hours must have authorization to leave. Once the bus or private car drops a student off at school, the student is considered to be at school. You need permission from the principal to leave campus. After dismissal, students are not to leave campus then return to school to be picked up. Local stores are not designated drop-off or pick-up sites for Ho’okena School.
Show respect for the rights of others and for school property. Do not bully or treat others unkindly. Do not misuse or vandalize property. Use respectful language at all time. Offensive (disrespectful, wanting to overpower, etc.) and vulgar language (swearing) have no place on a school campus. Settle disputes without using offensive (shouting, pushing, hitting, harassing, bullying, etc.) behavior. Ask the counselor or teacher for assistance as needed. Leave each others’ bodies alone. No hitting, wrestling, yanking, pulling, tackling types of behavior. Also, no handholding, hugging, kissing types of behavior. Skateboards, bicycles, rollerblades, etc. are prohibited on campus.
LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE DRIVEWAY. Be ready to learn and not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Act 90 of Hawaii’s Administrative Rules states that students found to be in possession of/or to have consumed or used alcohol or other controlled substances as defined in Chapter 19, may be suspended from school for up to 92 school days at the discretion of the school principal.
No dangerous toys or weapons. The Federal Gun Free Schools Act of 1994 and Hawaii’s Act 148 state that any student in possession of a firearm shall be executed from school for a calendar year.
Once in campus, remain on campus until dismissal. Students leaving campus during school hours must have authorization to leave. Once the bus or private car drops a student off at school, the student is considered to be at school. You need permission from the principal to leave campus. After dismissal, students are not to leave campus then return to school to be picked up. Local stores are not designated drop-off or pick-up sites for Ho’okena School.
Show respect for the rights of others and for school property. Do not bully or treat others unkindly. Do not misuse or vandalize property. Use respectful language at all time. Offensive (disrespectful, wanting to overpower, etc.) and vulgar language (swearing) have no place on a school campus. Settle disputes without using offensive (shouting, pushing, hitting, harassing, bullying, etc.) behavior. Ask the counselor or teacher for assistance as needed. Leave each others’ bodies alone. No hitting, wrestling, yanking, pulling, tackling types of behavior. Also, no handholding, hugging, kissing types of behavior. Skateboards, bicycles, rollerblades, etc. are prohibited on campus.
LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE DRIVEWAY. Be ready to learn and not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Act 90 of Hawaii’s Administrative Rules states that students found to be in possession of/or to have consumed or used alcohol or other controlled substances as defined in Chapter 19, may be suspended from school for up to 92 school days at the discretion of the school principal.
Playground Safety
Respect and Responsibility Be a good citizen! Play fair, show good sportsmanship. Share, let others play and treat others as you want to be treated. If someone needs help—offer assistance or report it. Be responsible! If you borrowed it—return it. If you see it lying around—pick it up. If something is dangerous or unusual—report it to the adult on duty. When the bell rings—stop the game, recess is over. Walk during transitions to and from the playground. Stay inside the school property and play in designated areas only. The bathrooms and crawl spaces under steps or buildings are not hiding places. Play away from walkways or doorways. Don’t make holes in the playground to play marbles or make obstacles for toy trucks, someone will trip. Keep safe. Do not climb trees, table, and fences or play on banks, slopes or under buildings and bleachers. You may sit on the bottom three rows of the bleachers unless an authorized adult permits you to go higher. Do not throw stones or objects. No tackle football or contact sport activities that include tackling, punching, kicking types of behaviors or touching another in an offensive manner. When a ball goes over the fence, inform the adult on duty.
Cafeteria Safety, Respect and Responsibility
All students are required to have a lunch and eat (school or home lunches) in the cafeteria unless otherwise authorized and supervised by an adult. Food is not to be played with or thrown about. Students are expected to clean up after themselves.
Classroom Safety, Respect and Responsibility
All students are expected to:
attend school regularly and report to classes promptly; use equipment and supplies appropriately; follow classroom rules; clean up after themselves and/or assist as needed; and be responsible for own learning.
attend school regularly and report to classes promptly; use equipment and supplies appropriately; follow classroom rules; clean up after themselves and/or assist as needed; and be responsible for own learning.
Assembly Behavior Safety, Respect and Responsibility
All students are expected to:
be prompt and follow directions; listen and be an appreciative audience; follow teacher/staff directives about where to stand or clean up after themselves or assist as needed; and in the event of an emergency, the older students are expected to assist younger ones.
be prompt and follow directions; listen and be an appreciative audience; follow teacher/staff directives about where to stand or clean up after themselves or assist as needed; and in the event of an emergency, the older students are expected to assist younger ones.